1 | 吕宋岛菲律宾西北部一岛屿,是该群岛中面积最大、人口最多且最重要的岛屿 | An island of the northwest Philippines.It is the largest,most populous,and most important island in the archipelago. | |
2 | 美国总统的来访是该城市那年的头等大事。 | The US President’ s visit was the most important civic event of the year | |
3 | 蒙古语族阿尔泰语族中的一亚语,主要包括蒙古语和卡尔梅克语 | A subfamily of the Altaic language family,Mongolian and Kalmyk being the most important members. | |
4 | 面粉和油脂是最主要的烹调原料。 | Flour and fat are the most important ingredient. | |
5 | 那人的声音相当低,而且把他要讲的最重要的部分讲得吞吞吐吐。 | The man’s voice was rather slow, and the most important part of what he had to say was stumbled over. | |
6 | 那是最为重要的。 | It is the most important of all. | |
7 | 那天晚上我们一起在外面做了不少事,对他来说最重要的事竟然是一个极为平常的举动,一个对他弟弟表现爱心的举动。 | Of all the events of our night out together, the most important was a little act of kindness--a showing of love to his brother | |
8 | 你必须戒烟,更重要的是,你该开始运动。 | You must quit smoking. Most important of all, you should start taking exercise. | |
9 | 你穿的衣服,开的小汽车,以及你在留言机中留下的信息,全都是你品牌包装的一部分:这些东西居于首位,它们会对你的客户和同事造成最重要的印象。 | The clothes you wear, the car you drive, and the message you leave on your voicemail are all part of your brand’s packaging: the first, and often the most important impression you’re going to make on clients and colleagues | |
10 | 毗湿奴和湿婆取代了他,成为最重要的神灵。 | He was supplanted by Vishnu and shiva as the most important of gods | |
11 | 其中最重要的是:赋予法院复审和否决州际商业委员会所作运价裁决的决定性权力。 | The most important of these endowed the courts with sweeping authority to review and nullify the ICC’s rate decisions | |
12 | 其中最主要的,是蒋介石、宋子文、陈诚、何应钦、顾祝同、陈立夫、陈果夫、朱家骅、王世杰、吴国桢、戴传贤、汤恩伯、周至柔、王叔铭、桂永清等人。 | The most important among them are Chiang Kai-shek, T. V. Soong, Chen Cheng, ho Ying-chin, Ku Chu-tung, Chen Li-fu, Chen Kuo-fu, Chu Chia-hua, Wang Shih-chieh, Wu Kuo-chen, Tai Chuan-hsien, Tang En-po, Chou Chih-jou, Wang Shu-ming and Kuei Yung-ching | |
13 | 奇楚亚语奇楚马兰语系中的一个亚语系,最重要的语言是奇楚亚语 | A subgroup of the Quechumaran languages,the most important language being Quechua. | |
14 | 千年以来开罗一直是穆斯林国家最重要的艺术中心。 | cairo has been the most important arts center in the Islamic world for a thousand yars | |
15 | 前者最重要的代表人物是德克利夫太太。 | The most important proponent of the former group was Mrs. Radcliffe | |
16 | 青霉素曾被公认是二十世纪四十年代最重大的发现。 | Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the 1940’s | |
17 | 人才是科技进步和经济社会发展最重要的资源。 | Competent people being the most important resource for scientific and technological progress and economic and social development. | |
18 | 人们对催化反应极为重要的铬的氧化态作了一些讨论。 | Some discussion of the oxidation state of chromium that is the most important for the catalytic reaction is given | |
19 | 人民大众也是有缺点的,这些缺点应当用人民内部的批评和自我批评来克服,而进行这种批评和自我批评也是文艺的最重要任务之一。 | The masses too have shortcomings, which should be overcome by criticism and self-criticism within the people’s own ranks, and such criticism and self-criticism is also one of the most important tasks of literature and art | |
20 | 如诸位所知,林肯受到许多废奴主义者、许多当时所谓的极端分子的严厉批评,因为 | Lincoln was severely criticized by many of the abolitionists as you know, by many then called radicals, because he seemed to be waging a war which did not hit the thing that was most important | |
21 | 三种最主要的品种是温石棉,青石棉和铁石棉。 | The three most important varieties are chrysotile, crocidolite and amosite | |
22 | 石油是许多中东国家最重要的产品。 | Petrol is the most important product of many Middle-East countries. | |
23 | 实际上,这是1892年平民党政纲和1936年民主党政纲之间美国最重要政治文献。 | It was, in fact, the most important American political document between the populist platform of 1892 and the Democratic platform of 1936 | |
24 | 数学是一切科学中最重要的。 | Maths is the most important of all the sciences. | |
25 | 他将亚里士多德哲学和基督教系统地结合起来,使之构成天主教神学的基础。阿奎那的“五大论证”是关于上帝存在的最重要、最有争议的观点之一。 | His systematic marriage of Aristotle’s philosophy and Christianity forms much of the basis of Catholic theology aquinas’s "Five Ways" are among the most important and controversial of the arguments for God’s existence | |
26 | 他科学地阐述了社会主义政治经济学中的一些最重要的问题。 | He explained scientifically the most important questions of socialist political economy. | |
27 | 他们承认中国在军事上不敌外国列强,但是他们认为擅长杀人对个人或民族而言并非至关重要 | They admit China’s military weakness in comparison with foreign powers, but they do not consider efficiency in homicide the most important quality in a man or a nation | |
28 | 他说世界经济最重要的问题售中在美国与德国:美国能否在未来几个月摆脱经济不景气;德国在经济急剧恶化以至拖垮欧洲大陆其他地方以前能否解决它的通货膨胀问题? | The most important questions about the world economy,he says,focus on the United States and Germany:Will the United States come out of the recession in the next few months,and can Germany resolve its inflation problem before a sharp slowdown sets in and topples the rest of continental Europe? | |
29 | 他一贯坚持在他导演的任何电影中女人要担任最重要的角色。因而有一次《洛杉矶时报》将他描绘成“美国电影制片人中最重要的女权主义者”。 | He insists that women get the strongest roles in any film he directs, and was once described in the Los Angeles Times newspaper as "the most important feminist film-maker in America" | |
30 | 台湾历来是中美关系中最重要,最敏感的核心问题 | The issue of Taiwan has always been the single most important and most sensitive issue at the heart of China-U.S. relations |